Thank you for choosing the Village of Bellevue as your business location. The Village of Bellevue Economic Development Division appreciates your investment in our community and recognizes the importance of retaining your business as an employer.

The Business Retention & Expansion Program was created as a way of establishing good relationships and communication with companies in our community. Economic Development Staff arrange Business Retention visits with Village of Bellevue businesses that are:
- expanding in the community
- new to the area
- experiencing challenging issues that affect the success of the business
- at the request of the business owner or manager
These visits provide businesses with a local contact that can help them address their issues or needs. After the Business Retention Visit, Economic Development Staff will provide follow up to any issues or questions that arise during the meeting. Economic Development Staff will remain in contact with the business as appropriate, providing assistance when needed.
Below is an introduction survey that will make the most out of an "on-site" retention visit. Even if you are not interested in an "on-site" business retention visit, returning the completed survey is still valuable information to the Economic Development Division. Once a completed survey is returned, staff will review and follow up with a call to arrange a visit. We understand that your time is very important to you, and this survey will help guide the discussion and lead to a worthwhile experience.
You can email the completed survey to our Community Development Director, Andrew J. Vissers, AICP.