The Village of Bellevue has contracted its law enforcement services from the Brown County Sheriffs Department since 2002. This allows for top quality police services at an efficient rate for citizens.
Bellevue currently has one full 24 hour shift patrolled by five Brown County Sheriff's Deputies in rotating shifts. These officers' responsibilities include responding to calls for service both criminal and civil in nature, assisting other agencies, enforcing local ordinances and state statute as well as being public servants to the everyday needs of Village of Bellevue residents.
The Village of Bellevue has two "Directed Enforcement Officer" (DEO) positions (in addition to patrol staffing) whose responsibilities include finding long term solutions to reoccurring problems within the community through the use of community policing principals. One DEO Deputy also is partially dedicated to addressing traffic concerns and manpower needs.
These officers are dedicated to providing the highest quality of police protection to the residents of Bellevue and ensuring this community is a safe place to live, work and raise a family.
The Village's main patrol station is located at the Public Safety Building/Village Hall in conjunction with the Fire Department. However, this is not a walk-in police station, and those who require non-emergency assistance should contact the Brown County Sheriffs Department at (920) 448-4200.
For emergencies, please dial 911.
Important Information: "Expectations when dialing 911 ."
Sex Offender Residency Restrictions
The Village of Bellevue does have an ordinance in place with regard to restrictions placed on sex offenders that want to be present or reside within the Village of Bellevue. For the Village ordinance please refer to the Village's Municipal Code. The Sex Offender Residency Restriction Map and the Sex Offender Restricted Zone Map is available on the Online Maps page.
Helpful Telephone Numbers:
Bellevue Municipal Court Clerk
(920) 884-1077
Crisis Center
(920) 436-8888
Brown County Sheriff's Office
(920) 448-4200
(920) 432-3868
Crime Prevention Information
(920) 448-4204
DNR Office
(920) 492-5800
District Attorney's Office
(920) 448-4190
(920) 435-0763
Brown County Jail
(920) 391-6800
Small Claims Court
(920) 448-4287
County Health Department
(920) 448-6400
Restraining Orders
(920) 448-4155
Consumer Protection
(920) 448-5110
Helpful Websites: