Dog licenses are available at the Village Office (2828 Allouez Ave.). All dogs over the age of five (5) months are required to be licensed annually.
License fees are $7.00 for a spayed/neutered dog; un-spayed/un-neutered dogs are $30.00.
Dog licenses must be obtained or renewed no later than March 31st each calendar year (per State Statute). A late charge of $5.00 will be charged for any license issued after March 31st. The late fee does not apply to puppies which were under five (5) months of age on March 31st. You must bring in a current rabies vaccination certificate from a veterinarian in order to be issued a license.
In addition, to be eligible for the spayed/neutered rate, you must provide documentation of the procedure from your veterinarian.
If your dog was licensed in the previous year in Bellevue, it will not be necessary to show proof of rabies if the vaccinations are not expired. Also, it will not be necessary to show proof that the dog is spayed or neutered if you are renewing a license. All licensing fees or proof required can also be mailed to the Village Office for processing.