Urban trees contribute many benefits to residents and visitors of the community by providing shade and cooling temperatures, enhancing aesthetics, improving air quality & absorbing greenhouse gases, producing habitat for wildlife and so much more. Learn more about the benefits of trees by visiting the “Arbor Day Foundation” website. Link to include for the words in quotes: The Power of Trees at arborday.org
The Village of Bellevue Forestry Department utilizes multiple planting programs to add trees along streets within the community. There are two planting programs offered to residents of the community. The programs allow residents to plant street trees adjacent to their property to add the benefits provided by trees to streets within their neighborhood. The two planting programs offered are described below.
The Village offers the neighborhood tree planting program to those who wish to plant a street tree adjacent to their property. The trees are purchased through the Village and the cost is billed to the homeowner, often at a discounted price compared to them purchasing a tree at a nursery. Residents may choose the tree species and provide input on location. Village staff will plant, stake, mulch and water the tree at the time of planting. The Village of Bellevue will maintain ownership of all trees planted within the public right-of-way and all future maintenance will be conducted by the Village or through the Village.
Residents that wish to plant a street tree adjacent to their property, on their own or by hire through a contractor, may simply fill out a tree planting permit. Pending approval from the Forestry Department, residents may plant a tree within the right-of-way adjacent to their property. No discount is offered through this method of planting as the tree will be purchased by the homeowner. The Village only approves the species and location of the tree through the permit process; tree purchase, planting and materials are handled by the property owner. The Village of Bellevue will maintain ownership of all trees planted within the public right-of-way and all future maintenance will be conducted by the Village or through the Village.
Residents may choose from a variety of trees. The following is a list of trees commonly planted along streets within Bellevue:
- Hybrid Elm
- Honeylocust
- Oak
- Common Hackberry
- Kentucky Coffeetree
- Northern Catalpa
- London Planetree
Residents with questions about tree planting or the planting programs offered by the Village of Bellevue can contact the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department at (920) 468-5225.
Residents can purchase/donate a memorial tree or bench to be placed in any park. Trees and benches both come with a plaque or landscape paver that remembers the individual for whom the tree or bench was donated. Planting and future maintenance is conducted by the Village.
The Village of Bellevue offers homeowners the option of purchasing trees through the Village for planting in the right-of-way adjacent to their property, often at a significantly lower cost than purchasing and having a tree planted on your own. Trees purchased may only be planted in the Village right-of-way and are guaranteed for two years when cared for properly as outlined prior to purchase.
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