Public Works is responsible for a variety of street and right-of-way maintenance tasks including patching, curb replacement, sign maintenance, roadway striping, right-of-way mowing, minor bridge repair, weed control, debris pickup and snow/ice control.
Please use the online Citizen Request Form to notify Public Works of any needed road repairs, pothole fillings, street lights that need replacing, or signs or street trees that have been knocked down.

Street Lights
If you notice a street light is out or not functioning properly, please contact Wisconsin Public Service at 1-800-450-7260 or access them at go to Report a Problem, then go to Street Lights.
Permits & Forms Issued by Public Works
Temporary signs in the right-of-way
By State Law, Rummage Sale signs, For Sale signs or any other miscellaneous signs are not allowed in Village right-of-way. Never attach these types of signs to stop signs, traffic signs, traffic signals, or in roundabouts.
All signs placed in an area that may distract drivers or obstruct vision for pedestrian or vehicular traffic will be removed and disposed of by Bellevue Public Works Department.