Grinch's Candy Cane Hunt
Saturday, December 7, 2024
After hearing the news that the Grinch is planning to turn all candy canes green, the Village of Bellevue has hidden all of our candy canes at Josten Park. Help us collect them all before the Grinch can get his hands on them!
This event is open to children 2-8 (with an adult). The candy cane hunt will be held in 2 sessions at 9:00am and 10:30am. Find a special green candy cane and receive a prize. Enjoy a reading of How the Grinch Stole Christmas followed by the candy cane hunt, socially distanced photo op with the Grinch, and a to go bag including a cookie, hot chocolate mix and a craft to do at home.
Pre-Registration is required for this event. Each session will be limited to 75 kids, so register early. Bellevue residents registration opens October 23, 2024, non-resident opens November 13, 2024.
Event Registration is FULL for Both Sessions. May still register to be placed on the Wait List if spots open up.
Pictures from previous event:

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