In an effort to reconnect our children with nature, the Brown County Chapter has recently formed a youth program, Junior Ikes. The Junior Ikes program works to involve young people in wildlife conservation and the outdoors. The Junior Ikes Program is designed to introduce youth to our natural resource by involving them in fun, educational activities. The program will emphasize awareness, appreciation and understanding of wildlife and natural resources. Students will also help out with the Junior Ikes program. This is an opportunity to educate children on conservation issues, as well as serve as a mentor.
Who Should Join:
The Junior Ikes program is for any children ages 8-17 who are interested in conservation, wildlife, outdoor activities, community service, and of course, having FUN!
The Junior Ikes Program is designed to introduce youth to our natural resource by involving them in fun, educational activities. The program will emphasize awareness, appreciation and understanding of wildlife and natural resources.
Projects & Activities:
Members will participate in various conservation and outdoor activities throughout the year. In addition to helping with the Junior Ikes program, students may also work on the following projects:
In addition to helping with the Junior Ikes program, students may also work on the following projects:
Youth Conservation Day: Recognizing the need to foster and develop the next generation of conservationists, the Brown County Chapter wishes to organize and sponsor a Youth Conservation Day. It is the hope that with the help of the Student Chapter, the Chapter would teach kids (ages 5-17) about a variety of outdoor activities. It is anticipated that the day would be divided into several 30-45 minute presentations/activities that the children rotate between throughout the day.
Invasive Species Removal Projects: The Chapter has been battling various invasive species at the conservation areas it manages and is looking for additional assistance to eliminate invasive species, as well as assistance in educating the public on invasive species. Student members will be able to assist in the spring and fall when the Chapter undertakes removal activities.
Annual Conservation Oriented Activities for Families: The Brown County Chapter holds two annual activities that are geared towards getting families outdoors. The first is the Teddy Bear Hunt which is held around Earth Day in April. Children are able to hunt for teddy bears on our hiking trails and get to partake in other conservation activities including fishing, building birdhouses, bird watching, and making nature crafts. The second event is our annual fall fest wherein the Chapter hosts horse-drawn wagon rides on the hiking trails at Osprey Point. Children also get to partake in other activities such as painting pumpkins and fishing. These are great opportunities for students to help out and spend an afternoon with children outdoors.
The Student Chapter will meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month, or as otherwise planned by the students. Most meetings will occur at Osprey Point but will also take place throughout the area depending on the activity.
Contact Information:
For more information visit the Brown County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League's website at: http://www.iwla.org/browncounty or check out their page on Facebook.